Live Dealer Roulette

How it Works
With live dealer roulette, you not only play against the computer, but you also play against other players and have a live dealer who takes bets, spins the wheel and announces the winners. Most sites or Online gaming also offer live chat which allows you to communicate with other players and the dealer. Different views of the casino are normally made available, such as from the floor or simply just watching the wheel spin.
Playing Schedule
Because of the fact that they rely on people and not characters to play the games on Mobile Casinos, most of these live dealer casinos normally have scheduled playing times and don't operate 24 hours a day, so it is best to check with your favourite casino to see what times of day or night they are operating. The live feature has made online roulette a lot more fun to play.
There are many online casinos who now offer the live gambling feature, so it will be easy to find one that suits your time schedule. Before playing for the first time, it is best to observe a few games and learn how it works so that you can improve your chances of making some money.